Well...here we are. Well here you are at least. Reading a crap blog that hasn't been updates since April or so. Anyway I bet you are all dyeing to hear about my summer. You really aren't but hay let me entertain the thought.
My summer started off alright. and by alright I mean with a mental brake down over my finals grades tests and projects. You know the normal American summer start. (Please someone in Finland adopt me!)
I hung out with my friends, started an online class (more on that later) and had fun.
The weak of the 4th of July (if you don't know what that is, its okay. just think of it the day America gave England the finger and said "Fuck this shit I'm out") I was up in Spokane Washington.(did i mention we bought a house up there....) anyway we were up there for a week when dundundundunnnnn Pokemon Go came out in the U.S. I can officially say I lost my shit. I ran out of the house and took my dog out everyday until we left.
I continued to "work" on my online school (It was mostly watching funny You Tube videos). and not do what I was supposed to do.
I got into this really cool internship as well. We started programming in Java and learned how to create a basic app to help the blind learn the new dialect of Braille known as UEB (United English Braille). I went there every Monday.
Now let me give you a little rundown of my summer week.
Tuesday: Online class
Wednesday: Work for my mom
Thursday: Work for my mom and bring my grandma back with us.
Friday: See my Grandpa at his dementia home (More on that too)
Saturday: Drive my grandma home, work on the class, and recuperate from Friday
Sunday: Do everything to make your self a presentable human before waking up on Monday. Oh and work on the class.
Yup. It wasn't any fun.
I got out barily with friends. We went to OMSI once and that was before Pokemon Go came out. It was my fault too. I wasted my last summer brake.
Anyway. I got everything done in time to go to KuroNecoCon up in Spokane! TheRedSea and I had a fun time up there and we got to meet several prominent voice actors(which I didn't know were going to be there so it came as an amazing surprise to me!). I also got a wall scroll to hang up in my room there! It's Hetalia. I got back in time for my internship but I missed the next week dew to..you guessed it Work!
I was a counselor at a Swedish Language and Cultural Camp. I as awesome Junior councilors and even cuter (and well behaved ) campers. I am totally gong back next year! I got back and my schedule was pretty much the same. Sunday Duff got back from his work as a dishwasher at a summer camp his mom coordinates. We hung out and I kicked his ass in Kubb (A Swedish game we play at Swedish camp). Last Monday was the final meeting of the intern ship and well...It was awesome. we got food! I know..my standards are pretty low for a final meeting, but IT WAS GOOD FOOD(I live in Portland....I know good food)! we are going to try and meet up on October again.
Tuesday. I went swimming with Duff and got a good sunburn. How I didn't sunburn my self or my campers at my camp still boggles me now. Yesterday I went with him to an arcade and had so much fun. though my right leg is killing me because apparently i went a little to hard on the petal to the mettle on the go carts. Hehe.
Jen moved away. Which I am still mad about.
I am still in contact with Ultimate senpai, Eevee senpai, Airport senpai, and Cuba Senpai.
I will start posting more regularly once school starts. All I can say is that the first week is going to be fun!
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