Sorry for not posting on my normal time yesterday. (Normal time really. You just came up with the idea of posting around noon on a Saturday three weeks ago. I can hardly call that a "normal time.") I was in the Pompeii exhibit at OMSI with Eevee Senpai and Goat Mom. My week has been pretty boring. And by boring I mean cleaning little old lady's houses with my mom. But enough of that. SCIENCE!
OMSI, for those of you not living in Portland Oregon is the Oregon Museum Of Science and Industry. I personally love OMSI and I have ever since I was a kid. Not a goat kid. That technically would be Eevee senpai. Never mind. That was weird. ANYWAY! They are currently having an exhibit on Pompeii. I am not giving any spoilers except for the fact that there is a little shop at the end.
We walked around a bit before heading in. Eevee senpai (and now currently myself) are unsealed with the Professor Layton series. If you don't know what that got here didn't you? Goggle it. She got sidetracked with puzzles as I was teaching the next generation of weird people how to bouncer two letter bottles filled half way with water and as much air as they can handle off the little rubber stopper off the cealing. They are in a track so it is cool. We do our thing. Eevee senpai gets side tracked by more puzzles. I build a logo tower capable of withstanding a shake table. The normal stuff.
We get through the exibits and are in the gift shop. Now here is where the tea beakers come into play. But first some exposition no one asked for for a joke you most likely won't get in the first place. Eevee senpai and I do role plays with each other. One of said role plays happens to be a Professor Layton (I told you to goggle it) and Doctor Who. ( If you don't know what that is just...goggle it.) Eevee senpai plays the role as the professor himself while I play my own regeneration of the doctor. My doctor has a thing with specific beekers for tea. I called them Tea Beakers. Well what to you fracking know they had beakers, with a handle, for tea. I lost it but in a nerd gasam way. Needlles to say I bought one with the chemical composition of caffeine on it.
Well now that was a lot. I will not be able to update until late next Monday due to a comic convention.
Until next time~~~
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