Friday, December 18, 2015

The "Calm" Before The Storm.

So next thing after this class id the pep assembly. I am decked out in red and ready to go. GO JUNIORS! All I can say is that I am going to loose my voice fast.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

New chapter up!

I am happy to announce that the next installment of my story is up! the link is
"I loved typing this last chapter and I am already starting on the next chapter (Which might have two parts). Thank you to everyone for your AWESOME support through this. It makes me so happy to know that people from all over the world are reading this. I will try to get the next chapter up by new years but I make no promises.

Tomorrow is fandom day and I am going to dress up like the tenth Doctor. (DAVID TENANT FOR THE WIN!) I also cant wait for Friday. The post will most likely be. "Duff lost his hearing." or 'The Red Sea sound count." Until next time *DFTBA

*But not as awesome as Prussia

Monday, December 14, 2015

So..More School Drama

So apparently over this past weekend someone decided that it would be funny to call several people and say they were going to bring a gun. No Jen. No Duff. No Pandora Senpai. Just Levit and I. and it is PJ day so I am Waring black and whit cat PJ's with a hood and tail. Yay me.