Wednesday, March 30, 2016

I Got The Ab Workout From Hell.

Spokane Washington, A place you have heard about but have never been and never plan to go.

A really nice place with really nice people. If I could say something bad I would but after being there for my spring brake (One week ) I grew to not hate the place. My dad had to move for his work and we were up there to buy a house for him. My mom and I plan to stay in Portland until I graduate next year.

Anyway. My mom and I spent nine ours in the car to get there. We were tired. I was way more tired than normal but I didn't notice at the time. Maybe I didn't get a good enough nights sleep before we left. I know see it was a warning sigh. That night we ate in the hotel room and I went to bed about 9:30 pm.

3:30 AM
I wake up with a twist in my stomach. I kept telling myself I wasn't sick but fifteen minutes of telling my self NO NO NO NO! I got up and went to the bath room. I will save you the details. I thought it was just because I didn't have enough Protean that day. (Yes I am that person who can't live on fat carbs and sweets..SUE ME!) I swished with mouthwash and went back to bed

5:30 AM
I was wrong
I vomited again
and again
I could not keep my own mucus down...or water or anything.
Finally I ate something that stuck (Yogurt) and I was done with the dry heaving.

The next day it hurt to laugh, smile, sneeze, etc

I had gotten the ab workout from hell

We bought a house and it looks awesome.
Until next time

All I Want to Right Now..Is Punch Loki in The Balls...

The Sword of Summer

For those of you who follow Rick Riordan's work and have read that know what I am talking about.

If you don't...don't worry about it. you can start with The Lightning Thief (NOT THE MOVIE that doesn't count) and get sucked in from there. For the sake of spoilers I will not ravel anything except...